Growth Glossary:

Client Experience

Quick Summary

Client experience (CX) refers to the combined interactions and experiences that a client has with a business throughout their relationship.

Client experience, sometimes abbreviated as CX, refers to the combined interactions and experiences that a client has with a business throughout their relationship. The client experience includes every touchpoint, from initial contact with a firm to onboarding, the delivery of services, and post-service follow-up.

A client’s experience evolves over time, influenced by factors such as the quality of service, communication, responsiveness, and the ability to meet or exceed client expectations. A positive client experience has many potential benefits, including increased client retention, referrals, and ultimately, business growth. On the other hand, a negative client experience can lead to client churn, or even damage the firm's reputation.

Client experience is a crucial aspect of any business, but even more so for boutique professional services firms. When you are smaller and more specialised than your larger competitors, focusing heavily on the quality of your client interactions is a strategy that can drive growth and success.

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